Anyone familiar with my utmost respect for the military (go Quantico!) and my penchant for war movies and a good, clean love story knows that I wanted to be at the opening of Dear John - and I was.
It was a cold and rainy night on Friday, but I pressed my way to the movie theater thinking that no one with any sense would be out tonight. I considered the wisdom, or lack thereof, of my own activity planning...was it really that important to see the movie on opening day? I went anyway. Got a good park. Took my time getting to the theater. Got inside, strolled to the counter, asked for two tickets and was told that they had just sold out.
The next showing was in an hour - but I was told to stay close because they would likely sell that one out too. Really? Why don't folks stay home? And, why is everyone wanting to see this movie? Could it be that the previews have been all over the TV and its author, Nicholas Sparks was at Fort Bragg with a pre-release showing? Yeah. I guess so. Good way to build demand.
Anyway, I had read the book and enjoyed it - well, except for the ending. So, I just knew the movie would go beyond my expectations. Why, oh why did I read the book? The movie was different. Not in a bad way, but since the book's version was so fresh in my mind, I knew when things were different - which lead me to compare versions.
The movie's ending changed too. Which, ultimately was good. But still. I was struck by my expectation. I was struck by my involvement with fictional characters. And I was struck by my commitment to see this movie which at the end of the day, will do nothing, to further my growth with Christ.
Sometimes, it takes something like this to help us evaluate what we decide to spend our time doing. Funny enough, time was the problem in the movie. Too much time apart - too much time spent living different lives.
So now, I'm focusing on how I spend my time. What about you? Are you spending your time doing wise things? Is there anything you'd like to improve in any area?

I want my time online to count for His glory. So, I plan to read more devotionals online. Soak up what others have to say about my LORD and Savior Christ Jesus.