Allegiance is an interesting word.
We pledge our allegiance to the US flag. In my Baptist Training Union, we pledge our allegiance to the Christian flag and the Bible as well. A quick look at good ole Websters and we can see just what allegiance involves:
1 a : the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord b (1) : the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government (2) : the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides2 : devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause
For our blog today, we’re just going to focus on devotion or loyalty to a person (#2 from above). I think when we look at it that way, it is akin to fidelity. Keep that in mind.
What are you committed to? What have you given your allegiance to? It’s not a superficial question. In fact, it is the type of question and response that determines a portion of the course of our lives.
For instance, if I say that I am committed to the Triune God and give God my total allegiance, you could see how my life will take shape if my allegiance is pure.
The interesting thing for me about allegiance is that it requires “all” and begins with “all.” When we serve God, we are to give Him our all. We are to have a complete and pure allegiance to Him. You know, He says that He is a jealous God. We are not to have any other gods before Him and we are not to entangle ourselves in things that keep us from worshipping Him with all of our might.
So, I ask you once more to do an examination and answer this question for yourself – Who or what have you given your allegiance to?
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