What do you want?
I mean, really, sincerely, what do you want?
Some people will be able to answer that question with a straight forward, uncomplicated response. They can articuluate what they want in 10 words or less. Some are not so short on words and will count it a light day to answer that question in 10 sentences or less - or in some cases 10 minutes. But at least, they understand what they want.
I have not always known what I wanted. Did not matter the area. What do you want to do when you grow up? Dunno.
What do you want to eat? Dunno.
What do you want to wear? Dunno.
From there, I moved to having a range of things - couldn't be just one. What's your favorite color (I would name three...)
Now, if you were to ask - what do you want - my answer would be simple - uncomplicated and would extend across the entirety of my existance. I don't want the fancy trappings of the world. I know that the material things only satisfy temporarily. No, I want something more. And thanks be to God that one thing I desire most is coming my way.
So, I ask you once again, what do you want? Do you know? Identify that thing and take it to the Lord in prayer.
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