Don’t just do something. Stand there! I love this quote because the way I learned it was the exact opposite. In fact, it’s more familiar rendering is “Don’t just stand there. Do something!” But, when it comes to God – ahhhhh – we need to be reminded to wait on Him.
Often times, we get so caught up in the things that have to be done that we neglect our main job – worship. Even when it comes to church, we sometimes try this approach: we arrive, we do something and we leave. We don’t spend time in worship – we don’t just stand there in His presence. We don’t make the time to soak up His majesty.
Yet, the more I experience in life, the more I recognize just how wonderfully important it stand. Not fidgeting, not moving, not calculating our next step. Just stand. The more I stand, the more I recognize that I am truly totally dependent on God. Sure, I can move out and do things in my own flesh, but when the mess is made, I have to come right back to the Lord and stand there and let Him tell me how to go about cleaning up the mess that I made all because I wouldn’t stand still and let God be God. You know how it is – I’m not here on the journey by myself. We get all ready to move out into the next thing and we move forward trying to fix and solve everything. God has told us to stand and let Him work it out but somehow, we are under the false impression that He needed our help so here we go again – off the rescue – assisting when we should be standing.
When things get too hot for us to handle, we jump off the baking sheet just like the gingerbread man. We holler “ouch” and keep moving instead of standing. We don’t let the Lord do His perfect work because we don’t stay put long enough. So we run out and get devoured by our enemies.
We bring our crumbs back to the Lord. Only to have Him make us over once again. The cycle can get long and tiresome. And, for that, I have a solution. Don’t just do something. Stand there!
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