Liberty is a beautiful thing. So many have fought for us to have it. And we certainly thank God for His work in making us free. As the fourth of July approaches, I think back to times when I was not free. And, I’m talking about the spiritual side of things now.
It’s funny. When we get saved, people remind us of all the things that we cannot do. They talk about rules and guidelines and other behaviorisms that they flaunts in our faces that we cannot do anymore. But, what they fail to realize is that by giving our lives over to Christ, we have gained new freedom. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are now bondservants to Christ. And, therein is a magnificent difference.
God is no cruel taskmaster. He does not provide things for us that will lead us to eternal destruction. But instead, He works on us and in us to produce the fruit of righteous such that the things of the world which were so inviting to us before, no longer hold any weight over us. We are free from the chains of sin and we can walk in our liberty as the children of the Most High God. Indeed, liberty is a beautiful thing!
So, the next time someone challenges your walk with the Lord as something akin to bondage, stand tall and let them know that you are free! You can even break out into song if you'd like...tell 'em, "I'm free, praise the Lord, I'm free ... No longer bound, no more chains holding me, my soul is resting, it's just a blessing, praise the Lord, Hallelujah, I'm free!" ala Milton Brunson style. Then let them know that the same freedom that was made available for you is also now available to them.
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