We ended last week with a story about how Chunks, my beloved 13-month-old godson, conducted his first finger experiment. Now, we will begin this week with another "chunkism." Are you ready?
Are you sure?
Okay, here we go.
Chunks went pee-pee in the potty! Yay! His mom sent me a picture of the proof. I know. But, I'm a happy godmom so it was alright with me. Don't worry, we won't share that picture with you. Just think how upset Chunks would be with me if he found out I posted said photo. Not to mention the whole "ewwww" factor. Sometimes somethings are just for the parents and godparents to love. Nevertheless, at 13 mos old, we are so thrilled. Maybe, just maybe, potty training will be easy for the little fella.
Now, Chunks got to the point because he was modeling behavior. He saw it and he did it. How many times do we find ourselves doing this? We see it and then we do it.
Immediately, you may think about teenagers - and think that this is limited to them. It's not. Even as adults, we model the behavior of others. Take for instance, driving. Sometimes, if a pack of cars are driving above the speed limit, you too join in and drive faster with them. Sometimes, in a line, if you see people migrating to get into a shorter lane, you do the same. If you are around a group that is only ordering salads, you tend to order a salad too. Ever notice that? There are thousands of examples but the key is that we model behavior - both good and bad.
And since this is the case, I would like for us to pay a bit more attention to the area of modeling.
Think about this:
A. Who are you modeling? Is it Jesus? Is it someone else?
B. Are your actions honoring to God? In other words, would He be pleased with your actions?
C. Who is modeling you?
Gives you pause doesn't it.
Kids are not the only ones watching.
From a Christian perspective, everything that we do and are about should glorify God. Think on that...and have a God-honoring Monday!
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