Our church youth are on retreat in the woods. And, when I say woods, that's exactly what I mean. I'm talking gravel path, no electricity woods. No Wi-Fi woods. I'm talking thick, thick woods. Y'all, I'm not exaggerating - really. We tell them that they cannot bring electronics to the campsite like cell phones and the like - but seriously - they wouldn't be able to get a signal anyway!
But, no cell phones. We take them out there for a week. Not as some sort of punishment but instead as a form of purging. For a week, they will not plop in front of a television or air-conditioning. They will not have i-pods and all sorts of music being poured into their souls. For one week, they will hear from the Lord while they are in the midst of His creation. And, it's a beautiful thing - for after the week is done, behold, we come back with children changed for Christ.
I cannot count the souls saved at camp last year (I don't have the official number - sorry). I do not know all the ways the Lord will move this year. I don't know whose heart will burst forth full of praise for God. I do know that my God is able.
I cannot wait to see what He's going to do! This year, the atmosphere is already different - better. The advisors and counselors are not having to do as much talking to maintain order and discipline. It's all good. We are all learning the ropes again.
Your youth camp days may have long passed you by but you still have an opportunity to purge yourself. Cut off your TV, shut off that MP3 player and spend some uninterrupted time with the Lord. You will never regret it. After you complete that one-on-one time, you will come back changed for Christ!
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