Will You Rest?

Chunks (my godson) likes to rest in my arms. When he was an infant, he would snuggle up really close to me. He liked my body heat and he could hear my heart going wild over him. As he slumbered, he would every once in a while, crack a little smile. He was dreaming about all the times he could wrap me around his little finger.

As he has grown, and lived his first year, he still likes to rest in the arms of those who love him. I haven’t seen him for about 2 months, since he decided to move to another state and all, but I’m told that when it comes bedtime, the same is still true. He does not like to go to sleep by himself. He likes to be close.

And while he may not be dreaming of ways to wrap me tighter, he does like the security. Before he really knocks out, he’ll still lift his head up or look around just a bit to make sure you’re still there. And when he confirms your presence, well, it’s good night world. He’s sleepy, secure and satisfied that he’s not alone. So, he goes to sleep – resting well throughout the night. Even snoring sometimes – yes! A baby. What!?!! Okay, breathing heavily as he slumbers….

This scenario reminds me of how we can interact with our Father – the Heavenly One, of course. Can it be said of you … of me, that we like to rest in the arms of our Father? Can it be said that we check back in to make sure that He’s still there by praying and talking to Him? Can it be said that we are not secure to move forward until we feel His presence and/or receive confirmation of His plan for our lives?

Or is it the case that we really do what we want to do without the benefit of resting? If we will take the time to really rest in God, things would go smoother for our lives. If we would just sit with Him, knowing that He is faithful to us and is our provider, then we would not get out of synch with Him. But, it’s when we jump out of His lap – or never even bother to sit there in the first place that we can count on mistakes being made.

In the arms of the Lord, no evil can touch us, for our Mighty God will defend us and watch over us as our Protector. In the arms of the Lord, peace is available, for He Himself does not dwell in chaos. In the arms of the Lord is where the good life is lived. He’s there with us, holding us close – never leaving us nor forsaking us.

So, I wonder if you’ll be like Chunks is towards the ones that love him. Will you rest in the arms of the Lord?

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One Response so far.

  1. Beautiful post!! Yes, I will rest in His arms!
    Much love,