What Hasn't He Done?

When was the last time that you sought the Lord?

Serious business, can you recount the time that you last truly sought Him?

I'm not talking about the superficial stuff that we sometimes call worship. I'm talking about sho 'nuff, can't nobody else help you, cry out to the Lord kind of seeking Him? (I know that's poor english, but you get my point)

How about this one ... when was the last time that you praised the Lord? I'm talking about praising Him just because He is God. Not asking for anything, not dropping off a burden, but just praising Him for Who He is?

In Bible Study last night, we were challenged to really worship God by seeking His face and not just His hand. We were challenged to live our lives fully alert to the blessings of God. Right now, what kind of blessings can you recount that the Lord has done for you in the past 24 hours. Don't get stuck on the big things - think about the small things. What has He done? In fact, the better question would be - what hasn't He done?

Why don't you take some time right now, and tell God "THANK YOU!"

One Response so far.

  1. Love it! God is so good to us all the time! It is so good to take time and ponder the things we are thankful for!!!
    Much love,