Never Alone - Never Forgotten

Never Alone. Never Forgotten.

This weekend should prove challenging. I will celebrate with breast cancer survivors at the Komen Race for the Cure and I will, in the same day, mere hours apart, bury my friend that I’ve been blogging about.

My emotions will run from one extreme to another … and yet another.

For also on Saturday, is my godson’s birthday. He will be one year old. He is quite the little guy already. He says “mama”, “dada” and …. “nite, nite.” Adorable, right?

See, lots of varying emotions packed into one day. But, I know that since God has brought me to it, He is faithful and He will see me through the mountain tops and the valleys.

I am never alone. And, well, I really want to say it like this – I am NEVA alone – putting a little attitude with it. You’ll grant me that, right? I am never forgotten by God. He says “can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” – Isaiah 49:15. See, never (ah hem… neva alone).

And, that’s comforting to me. Know this, as His child, God never leaves you nor forgets you. At times, you may FEEL alone or forgotten but don’t depend or rely on your feelings. Just trust God. Know in your heart you are “neva” alone and “neva” forgotten.

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