Update: So, now, I know it's not just me....there's something wrong with my scheduler... sorry folks but at least I caught it early this time. Enjoy the post!
Hey Bloggy Buddies,
Sorry about yesterday's post. Apparently Blogger and I had a misunderstanding about when I actually wanted the post to post. Ah, technology and me. The incident had everything to do with my not typing in the date correctly. I came to the site to post a new blog for Wednesday and viola, I saw Monday's post - not Tuesdays! Well, at least it was easy for me to figure out what happened. Mr. Blogspot, I promise, I'll do better!
So - onward!
Today, I want to talk about what happens when we keep God's commandments. Now, if you are like me, when you hear the word commandments, you immediately think of two things:
1. stone tablets with roman numerals
2. The Ten Commandments movie with Charlton Heston ... MOSES! (Okay, I couldn't help myself)
Anyway, back on point, that's what I think about first when I hear the word commandments. Now, after giving it more thought - say a millisecond later, I think about the things that God has specified for me (and you) to be about or not be about. You know, that Exodus 20 stuff. The stuff that trips people up and gives them a false excuse about why they don't won't to join church or get saved right now. But, the commandments go way beyond Exodus. In fact, they are scattered throughout. Because God loves us, He tells us exactly how we are to live. He tell us what our lives ought to be about.
Sometimes people will ask me, If I feel constricted in my walk with the Lord. And, I tell them the truth. Yes. But, that's only when I am not walking closely with the Lord. I have found that the closer I get, the free-er I feel. (Yes, I do recognize that's not the way to write free - but I'm making a point here...) So, the closer I get to God, the more I want to do what He commands. I don't care about pleasing myself, I only want to please Him.
And while being close to the Sovereign God of the Universe is reward enough in itself, we also have promises associated with being obedient to Him. He's a good Father. If we look at Proverbs 3, we will see that if we will remember the commandments of God and secure them in our hearts, "length of days, and long life, and peace" will be added to us.
So, what happens when we keep God's commandments ? The good life.
When we keep God's commandments we are assured of his blessing. The Israelites were perfect examples of what happens when we don't adher to God's commandments, how many times were they captured and lived in strange lands because of their disobedience.