It’s been a good week. I thank you for stopping by my blog! On Monday, my fish died. I blogged about that on Tuesday. And, while it has been an adjustment for me – I’m okay. My Godmother’s and Grandfather’s birthdays are this week. Joy! What a blessing they have both been to me.
It has got me to think less about my own personal circumstances and more about the circumstances of those around me.
In my sphere of influence, I make choices daily. In your sphere of influence, you do as well. Each moment of each day, we make a decision to either follow God or follow Satan. We make a decision to love God or love the world. Each moment of every day – the choice is our very own.
I choose to be happy for the years that I had for my fish – to God, I’m grateful. And, although there will not be anymore fish in my home anytime soon, I have wonderful memories of a very personable fish. There really was no fish like him!
Instead of choosing to think negative thoughts, I choose to think glorious God-affirming thoughts. I choose to think of what a wonderful God I serve – who happens to make glorious little fish with big personalities.
I choose to thank God for the opportunities that I have to live life and enjoy it to the full – even in the midst of bad times. I choose to think about others and not myself. I choose. You choose. WE choose. Thank you Lord!
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