I can't believe it!
It's here!!!
Peeled back the cover and there - in black sharpie ink, Lysa's note to me! (I took a picture with the book but then decided that I didn't like said picture...but here's another one so that you can see that yes, Lysa will sign your book too if you request it - isn't that special!?!)
Happy dance with a little George Jefferson thrown in! Hey, I can do that - no one was watching - I promise! The Lord is used to my excitement exploding out of my body in dubious fits and starts - and hey, David danced his clothes off!
Kicking the shipping envelope out of the way, I plopped on my sofa, ready to be wowed! Teach me Lysa - tell me how to become more than just a good bible study girl.
Opening with the acknowledgements let me know who God used to help Lysa write this book and who had to make a sacrifice. That bit of information makes me want to read the contents so that their time has not been in vain. Thank you Lord for good help, support and willing sacrifice.
With that knowledge under my belt, I flipped over to the Introduction written just for me and two other people. Lysa's good to me like that. She knew that I just couldn't get into the book without a little intro guiding me into her heart - and then, an appropriately named Chapter 1.
My expectations are now set. The atmosphere is now set. I'm relaxed and ready to read knowing that even as she is sharing her heart with me (and you too, when you get the book), she is really showing us a glimpse of her legacy. This book is especially for her children. She calls them her "five priority blessings." I'm wowed already.
I'll be nose-first in this book and will let you know just how much I heart it, a la Daisy Chain fashion. I've already expressed my opinion that I think you should read Daisy Chain by Mary DeMuth...several times, I know. And, with just the acknowledgement, intro and first two chapters under my belt, I again stand to endorse another book - Lysa's latest - "Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl." It can be purchased here.
Wow Sanya... you totally touched my heart today.
Thank you for this very encouraging post!
Hugs friend~
I love Lysa TerKeurst!!! :-) Enjoy the book.