We are fast approaching the time of year when we will discuss at length the meaning of the gospel. Afterall, Easter is coming. (smile) For our friends that think it only involves painted eggs and pretty new dresses, we need to have our response ready.
Sure, all year long, you are to live holy. Your life is being watched by said person year-round. But in just a few weeks, you will have the increased responsibility (we are to witness and evangelize daily) to make sure that you are letting everyone know your good news.
The gospel message is the good news. How will you share it? What will you say? If you were going to write the gospel in a paragraph and send it to a friend or family memeber, what would the contents be? Are you confident? Do you know what the gospel is? Well, if not, let me give you a start. Check out 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. Now, would you give me and the other readers of this blog a clue as to what you might say about when sharing the good news of Jesus Christ - His birth, death and resurrection by posting your comment below?
A Burden Removed: A Biblical Path for Removing the Racism of Our Forefathers
Should a congregation repent of the sins of their forefathers?
5 years ago
What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the Good News.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Amen.
Read and be blessed.
John 3:16 is always a good start! Thanks Portia!
"Good Tidings of Great Joy!", the angel said.
The Gospel is the best news ever given to mankind. It is the coming of Jesus, the second Person of the Trinity, as a man. He takes on human flesh, lives a sinless life, preaches to multitudes of the Kingdom of God, is arrested, beaten, and publicly executed. As He dies, He suffers not just the pain of a slow and tortured death, but He, sinless in all of His existence, "becomes sin for us"--enduring the punishment for the sins of all of us. He is buried, and on the third day, He rises again; not resuscitated, but resurrected. He will never die again.
By receiving forgiveness of our sins through His sacrifice, we are given eternal life in Him. We must be convinced that we are sinners, we must believe that His death is sufficient to cover our sins, and that we can join Him in His resurrection. We must be born again in Him.
If we don't understand what this means, we can look in the Bible and find the answers we need, (starting in the New Testament is usually best). When we are confused or unsure, we may reach up our hands to God and cry out for His mercy and ask to be taught.
Whatever our level of understanding or revelation, we are responsible to respond to the Truth. We must keep saying "Yes" to God, in Christ. He can be trusted to show us the next thing we need to know.
All this means we are no longer bound to be slaves, but can be free. When we give Christ mastery over us, He makes us free. Free to be happy. Free to be good, and to want to be good.
"And of all the masters I have known, you are the kindest. And of all the masters I have known, you are the only one who's making me free." (Sara Groves, from the Messiah College concert version of "Compelled")
It is Jesus-He lived, He died, In three days He rose. The gospel is Jesus. Realizing we need a Savior and it is Him. By faith, accepting that and following His way instead of our own.
Of course there may need to be more explanation depending on the situation but simply put.
Good question! Looking forward to the responses!
Much love,
Helen! Thanks for your insight on the matter. I hope that our readers really take the time to digest all that you've posted.
Thanks Angela. I like your emphasis on following His way.
I think there are some pretty good comments posted. Hopefully more will flow in as God leads.
It's the best love story ever! Unfaithfulness, the ultimate sacrifice, and redemption. And the promise that it's all for everyone who accepts it.
Kathy! Hello! It is the BEST love ever! I like that phrasing!