Change - A Fantastic Thing

It's Monday. And, it's a Federal Holiday - It's the day that we celebrate the accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr. It's amazing to me to look back on how times have changed - and they have. That's a fantastic thing.

I was watching the news and saw a partial interview. The interviewer was asking what people thought that Martin Luther King Jr would think of the fact that the Democratic party has two minority front contenders (Clinton and Obama). I don't know what he would think but I think that change, in the right direction, is good. In fact, it's a fantastic thing.

So, desiring to continue on with change, in the right direction - looking back on everything that has happened over my life, I am going to really focus on moving forward in the right direction. And, that's a fantastic thing. That for me means more discipline. I don't know what it means for you, but I know what I need to do.

By the way, if you were wondering if I got the nod from P31, nope. Sure didn't. But, that's alright too. God used that ministry to pull three women into the spotlight. I will be looking forward to reading their articles. If you get a chance, drop by Lysa's blog - her link is to the right.
