We've all done it. We've all said something that we wished we could take back. But for most of us, when we say these things, it's with friends over coffee or over the telephone. A small circle with whom we can share our thoughts - where we feel comfortable to say what's on our minds.
Unfortunately, those things on our minds, that make their way out of our mouths, can be hurtful to others once birthed into the atmosphere.
The View's Elizabeth Hasselbeck (pictured above - photo from Google search) is living this circumstance now - only her small group of friends, with which she discusses topics, is taped in front of a large audience and televised nationally. So, a slip of the tongue there goes much further than a slip between friends at the park. It becomes a big deal - television stations carry the taped footage and play it over and over again.
While I am no fan of Elizabeth's views - and while I find her comments misguided and hurtful - I am compelled to stop and think about when I've put my foot in my mouth. There have been times - whew! And oh how I thank God that my misguided attempts at jokes or even my commentary were not taped and televised.
Words reveal what is in our hearts. And some times, our hearts are U.G.L.Y. There's no other way to put it. Just plain ugly. And when we have a case of the ugly hearts, then careless, hurtful words slip out.
I don't know why Elizabeth thought it okay to think about Erin Andrews like that. For of course, she had to have put some thought into what she felt about Erin to speak that way about her on the show. But, maybe next time, she'll put a bit more thought into what she says. We can only hope. Likewise, we can only hope that we also do the same. Let's be careful about what we say. Let's regard each other with more respect. That way we'll keep our feet out of our mouth!

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