The economy is looking up but struggle is still on the mind of many. Some are concerned about where the money will come from for the mortgage, or light bill. Some are concerned about where the next meal will come from or even if there will be a next meal. Some have had to struggle through their first Mother’s Day without their mother. Some are struggling through finance, relationships, and life in general. The struggle is everywhere.
In the midst of struggle, it can be tempting to keep our heads down and focus on what’s in front of us. We focus on the struggle so much trying our very best to find a path to release and relief. But in so doing, we miss out on the fact that we are not in the struggle alone.
Now, I know you may be thinking about your friends and family when I say this. But, really, I’m thinking about Jesus. He says He will never leave you nor forsake you. You don’t have to do the struggle all by yourself. But you do have to remove your focus off of your struggle and onto Jesus. Look up to Him and He will lead you through it. Look up to Him and He will show you the very best path out of the situation. And, when He gets you out, you can then give Him all the credit and glory.
Struggles will come and go. That’s just life. But how we respond to them makes all the difference. It is my prayer that you will fix your eyes on Jesus today, even in the midst of any struggles that you experience.
Blessings to you!

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