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Last week had it’s challenges and I, like an olympic hurdler was leaping over them. I was so happy with my “in spite of” performance that I, mid-air, stopped to reflect on how well I’d behaved. I’d behaved like a believing Christian. I had behaved like somebody that believes with her whole heart that Jesus is Lord. I behaved real, real good...that is, until I read an email. (see, that's why you shouldn't do things mid-air! - stay focused- lesson one)
You see, I’d been waiting on said email with great joy. I just knew that email would deliver the news that I’d longed to hear. I just knew that email would be reason enough for me to break out my little happy dance - or, if you’re in my Spiritual Disciplines class, I’ll say it this way - it would be enough to break out my “dee dah day dance!” (thanks John Ortberg). So, when the email came in - sitting so pretty in my Inbox, even earlier than I’d expected to receive it, I couldn’t even wait to read it. I exclaimed with my highest joy, “OH YEAH”
Well, that didn’t last.
Instead, it was more of an “OH NO!”
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You see, this email did not deliver the news that I had longed for. This email did not deliver the news that would justify a "happy dance" nor a "dee dah day dance". No, this email crushed me...grounded me...dropped me...take your pick.
I was upset. I couldn’t think. My world swam around me. My "joy" river turned into an overwhelming "bad news" flood. And, then, all that happy “in spite of”, hurdle leaping atmosphere turned into me hitting a wall. Emotions took over. Have you ever been there? Please tell me it's not just me!
Emotions are slippery - but we can talk more about that later.
Anyway, as a result of getting said email, I had to make a decision. My first decision was whether or not I would melt down. Well, I told you I hit the wall, so, unfortunately, I melted down. But because of His grace and mercy, God gave me another chance to redeem myself. I had another chance to turn everything around and prove Whom I trusted to work everything out.
And I did, with the strength of God on my side. I had to “turn loose” of that I thought I wanted to hear and embrace that which I thought I didn’t want to hear. And, once I’d done that, I was good to go. I could do that, with my wall-smacking-self, because I really do believe that Jesus is Lord. I could get up from the brunt of that email because I know that what God has for me is for me. I could go on with everything because I know that His best is always what’s best for me. So, I got myself out of the way, made up my mind that I would be in agreement with the email as best I could, with full trust in the Lord, and I made the drive.
Oh, I forgot to tell you what this whole thing was about right!?! Well, come back tomorrow, and I’ll clue you in! But regardless of my personal situation, know that you too should always trust God first. Don't let the meltdown be the first thing you do. Okay?! See you tomorrow!

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