Hey Blogger Buddies,
Just wanted to check back in. I know it's been a week since my last post. Sorry about that. Life happens. Plus, even more so, I haven't had that much to say. Amazing - I know. But I'm learning that when I don't have much to say via this post, just to not say anything.
Some would say that's wisdom. Some others could adopt this methodoloy and it certainly wouldn't hurt things!
Have you been paying attention to the news lately? I have. Sometimes they say the wrong things - proven wrong things. If you don't know the facts, it's just better to say nothing.
The spoken word ... the typed word.... are all very important. With the words of our mouth (through the keyboard at this moment) we have the uncensored ability to communicate. What we communicate to each other and how we do so is very important. Essential really, if we want to build relationships that honor Christ and esteem one another. Yet, with this very same method, we can tear each other down and thereby dishonor Christ. Danger things these words. Some we have to be careful.
As this blog moves forward, I will endeavor to make sure that I chose my words wisely. I have always strived to be non-reactionary. Sometimes in the past I have won and other times, I have struggled a bit. So, I renew my pledge to myself. When I have something edifying, exciting or exhorting to post, I will. And, if I don't - well then, I will either not post or be very cautious with what I do post.
I hope you will enjoy this direction. I'll write more soon - I'm feeling my chatty side coming back.
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