The Right One

So, what was all the fuss about in my previous post? Well, I had been anticipating a new arrival - a puppy. And the email told me that the puppy that in my mind and heart I thought I wanted was sold to someone else. Gasp! 

Well, come to find out through trusting God completely, He had worked everything out. Once I drove to the place where the puppies were, the breeder told me that he had spoken to the other buyers and I could have my pick of the puppies (the original plan). This news actually threw me in a tailspin. Remember, I'd gone out to the place prepared to make a decision on one puppy, thinking that I would not have the opportunity to make a decision on the other puppy.

Grace and mercy prevailed. I could choose. And grace and mercy prevailed again because I picked the one that I didn't think I wanted (thus the cause for all the unrest from the previous post was really unjustified!). You see, I thought I wanted one puppy - and knowing that he was sold made me very unhappy. But when I got to see the puppies, the one that I didn't think I wanted, came up to me and sat down beside me. He looked at me as if he were saying, "I'm all packed and ready to go when you are." Drama. The puppy that I thought I wanted was cool playing with me but he was like, "girl, I'm just not that into you." Go figure. 

So, I got the puppy that was "totally into me". And, now I am soooo into this little guy! You will be too when you see him...ready....get ready now... see him!?! Adorable. God worked everything out and now, my puppy, the right puppy that God picked out for me, is home. 

God knows best! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries