
We enter into so many relationships. We have relationships with parents, children, spouses, co-workers, church folks - you get my drift. We are always moving around from one relationship to the next. We find some relationships rewarding while other relationships we find to be not-so-rewarding. Some relationships lift us up and others tear us back down. And no matter what type of relationship, we generally are never really tempted to stop having them. Most of us don't give up on people and retreat to our own personal island where we are the only living soul there. Most of us can't afford said island - especially in this economy!

Nevertheless, we are actively engaging with one another on a regular basis. But, for a large majority of us, there is one relationship where the phrase "active engagement" would be a lie. Funny thing is, the relationship that too many of us ignore is the one relationship that matters most.

Of course, the relationship I'm referencing is the one that we have the privilege of having with the Lord Jesus. This is one relationship that you should not neglect. Think about it. (I know you were probably expecting me to put on my preacher-hat and hit with a message about salvation and access and privilege. But today, not so. Today, I really would like for you just to think about who you are having relationships with in comparison to your relationship with the Lord. Then let Him address you from there.)

Have a blessed day.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries