Life in Defiance - Mary DeMuth

Simply put, Mary DeMuth is a master story-teller. Life in Defiance is my fourth read by DeMuth and I just have to say, I thank God for blessing her in such a beautiful way. To me, this author is fresh and candid, honest and gritty, all at the same time. I have not read many novels that captivate my attention the way that Life in Defiance has done. I read it in just a few days - which is major for me due to my schedule...and new puppy. Let me tell you a little bit about Life in Defiance.

First off, it's the third and final book in the Definance Triology. Second, it's the best book in the Triology. Sure, that's my opinion, but this book has so many twists and turns and such brillant writing that you will agree once you read it. The best thing about it - you'll never see the end coming. As I flipped toward the end of the book, I began to wonder how DeMuth was going to tie everything together with so little pages left, but she mastered the ending. I even liked the ending - and agreed with it too. To know me is to know that's no small feat. 

Oh yea, I was telling you about the book. 

For as passionately as I feel about Mary DeMuth the author, and her God-given ability to write a stirring, raw and sometimes gut-wrenching novel, I feel a similar passionate attachment to the characters she writes about. Now, take Ouisie Pepper. She has been on my mind since the first book when Daisy disappeared. I liked her but I didn't understand her. In fact, she frustrated me to some degree - particularly when it came to Hap. And, well, I'll put it out there, I really didn't get her attachment to Emory - you know, it was one of those, I get it but I don't get it. See, that's how DeMuth pulls you in. She makes strange alliances between characters that make you say, hmmmm....better keep reading. 

I'm glad I kept reading! The way that the characters evolve from the first book to this book is priceless. Go Mary DeMuth!!! Rock Star!! The way I felt about the characters at the beginning are now different. All different. All colorful. You'll see when you read about Ethrea Ree, Delmer, Hap, Jed, Sissy, Sheba and the whole lot of towns folk - even church folk. 

Back up - gotta talk about Sheba for a minute. She's something else. Her letters make me holler! But, you'll just have to read the book to see what I mean. Go on and let Sheba minister to ya!

There are so many things I could write, so many plot twists, so much rawness of emotion and so much real much failure of man and so much glorification of will not have robbed yourself of anything by taking the time to read this Trilogy and in particular, this book. No, quite the contrary. If you will invest the small amount time, you're life will be blessed. 

You can find this book on Amazon here.

And by the way, I received the book free from the publisher (Zondervan) to review, but this in no way colored my opinion. Mary DeMuth is simply a wonderful, God-blessed, novelist. 
Copyright Beams of Light Ministries