God Created Us

One of the tough things in life is getting to know and accept yourself. It’s so easy, particularly in the time in which we are living, to point out our flaws. 
Society tells us that we are too fat or too skinny. Celebrities set the pace for what is trendy or cool. There’s a doctor in every local community telling us how we can better enhance our God-given features - “to make them better.” And it seems like every channel has some offering of what to eat, how to dress, how to cook, how to act and how to be in every plausible situation. And if you are not careful, you will find yourself doubting who God has created you to be. You will run towards what society dictates as acceptable, leaving God’s design in the dust. 
Last week, while I was digesting way too much turkey, I saw a special about folks addicted to plastic surgery. I personally didn’t know such a thing existed - well, except for with Michael Jackson. Nevertheless, these women were getting their noses tapered, ears pinned, breast lifted, faces pulled, limps pumped, brows botoxed and fat sucked away. One woman had over 10 surgical procedures done in one day. Wowzers. And you know what she said after it was all said and done - she wished she could go back to who she was pre-surgery. 
The blessing in our uniqueness is that God Himself took the time to form and shape us into the people that we are. We are not mistakes and our features are not either. So, how about we spend less time fidgeting in front of the mirror or with the doctor planning what we want to change, and begin to accept just who we really are. Let’s be who God made us to be.   

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

God Knows

If there is one thing that can be said about most people, it’s that they want to be known. The path to such knowing takes different routes and manifests itself in differing levels of transparency. But to the degree in which the person desires it, they will be known. 
Some people seek the lime light. They want to be known for their talent or giftedness. Some people seek popularity for popularity’s sake. They think of themselves as the next Paris Hilton or next celebrity who is famous for just being famous. 
Yet on the opposite end of the spectrum, others shun the spot light, yet they desperately want to be known. Not by the media, but by the ones in which they share their lives. They feel isolated and unknown, undervalued and not cherished in the least. 
In recent studies, I have been directed to Psalm 139 and this subject of knowing has once again come to the forefront. David tells us that God knows us. 
God knows us in such an intimate fashion that is inexplicable to mankind. He has known us since we were embryos in our mother’s womb. He knows all about who we are and what we will be; He knows our character even before we ever know our name. He is all round us, searching and knowing us; understanding our thoughts. Our Creator knows us. He knows. 
So that helps us to think about this knowing in a different way now, asking ourselves this question - “who do we want to know us?” 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Thankful for Thanksgiving

It's that time of year again. I am amazed at how much earlier Christmas seems to come to advertisers and retailers. I've seen Christmas trees, lit and ready; stockings hung on store walls; wreaths, ropes and bulbs. Wrapping paper too. It's not even Thanksgiving yet. I don't know why folks like to trapse over Thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday.

Some people immediately understand why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Usually, it's their favorite too or they just get why it's so important. But others need a little explanation. And that's okay. Someone once told me that they couldn't understand the importance of Thanksgiving since we do not exchange gifts. They argued that on Christmas, Valentine's Day and even Birthdays, we get gifts. And they wondered why I would choose lowly Thanksgiving, the holiday with no gifts, to pick as my favorite.

Well, here's what I told them - paraphrased, of course. I believe we do get a gift on Thanksgiving. And, it's the best gift. It's not the food - it's the company. Thanksgiving is the holiday where we get to celebrate each other. We celebrate how God has been good to us in providing for our every need. We celebrate how we've been able to use the resources that God has provided to glorify His name. We celebrate the cooks in the kitchen, whether it's our own kitchen or not, as we partake of all the pleasantries that grace each table. We talk. We live. We just are. At Thanksgiving, we see folks we hardly ever see anymore and we re-connect. I love Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful to God for Thanksgiving. I wish these pesky retailers would stop trying to rush and/or overlook my favorite holiday, and instead just be grateful. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Glad I Can Call On Him

Today’s news headlines are enough to make me shout for Jesus to return. I thought I was about to get some peace from the television set now that the elections are over but alas, I deceived myself. I should have known better than to think like that. The enemy is busy and getting busier all the time.

Take a look at these headlines from a local station:
-          foreclosures surge 40%
-          five dead in hepatitis B outbreak
-          wounded men shot each other
-          cutting deficit will hurt
-          happy homecoming ends twin’s ordeal (they had been kidnapped by their father and taken out of state).

I bet you want to holler for Jesus to come back too! We are being attacked on every side. We have financial issues, health scares, violence and family problems that are forcing their way to the spotlight of our lives. If I started trying to list every problem that every body had, then we really would be in trouble.

So, what now?

Put your hope in Jesus.

Unlike us, Jesus is not surprised by all the carnage and calamity that we are getting an eye-full of right now. All along, through the wisdom of the Bible, we should have expected this increasing assault from the enemy. But it’s not just the enemy. Look at how our nation, once religious, has now pushed religion to the backburners. Look how the church has become a place of refuge during the hard times and a place that is unnecessary in the good times. Look at how we, through legislation and activity try to lock Jesus in the closet while pulling out those who should stay in. We, individually and as a nation, need to deal with our sin. And if we still choose, in light of everything going on around us, to let sin reign unchallenged, it will continue to handle us – bending and breaking us down.

Put your hope in Jesus. For He will not fail and is not fickle. He answers according to His Word. He will not disappoint you. Instead, He will stand with you – encouraging you even through this time that we live in. I’m glad I can call on Him. I hope you can too.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries

Do Your Research and Vote!

So many political ads! Ugh. I'm ready for this election to be over. I feel this way because I've already done my part. I've already voted. Have you? If you have, great! If not, keep reading.

Look, you need to get to the polls on tomorrow, November 2nd. We have come too far to not vote now. Everybody is saying that but what does it really mean? Can I give you an example. Google Fannie Lou Hamer. She was a civil rights activist as well an a political activist. Perhaps that will provide a bit of inspiration. But if knowing the efforts and trials that Fannie Lou Hamer endured isn't enough to get you to research the candidates and then rollout to vote on Tuesday, remember this:

The harassment. The beatings. The blood. The dogs. The lynchings. The tears. The fears. The marches. The legistlation. The victory. I'm not telling you who to vote for. Just vote. Do your research on each candidate and vote. In my county - a progressive county with lots to offer every nationality, we are hearing reports of harassment at the early voting polls. Some people are being told that they cannot vote when it is their right to vote. Don't fall victim to this injustice. Know your rights. Visit the Elections Homepage for your state if you have questions, but don't turn around now. Press your way in and vote your convictions.

We don't have time for Wednesday morning quarterbacking. We need to know who we want and make our vote count. Fannie Lou Hamer made her efforts count. Will you? Please do! VOTE!!! VOTE!!! VOTE!!!

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries