Why? Because we were not careful to ensure that we were plugged in to God and relying on His strength, we end up zapped once more. And this time, we are just plain tired of the cycle. We’re ready to throw in the towel and let somebody else run.

My Pastor preached a phenomenal message this past Sunday. One of the things that made it so good to me was that he referenced how we are all on a journey. None of us have "arrived". Some of us are at different points on the journey and thus, when we "get the victory" over something, it may look different from somebody else's "victory". And, funny thing, each time he gave an example, I went to my idea of victory whereas his answer fell shorter than I expected. But for that person, at that point on their journey, it was victory. Let me give you an example, just for clarification.
My Pastor gave an example of when men would see an attractive woman, they would get up and go chase after her. Now, since they are on this spiritual journey where they are allowing God to work in their lives, when they see an attractive woman, they do a quick look then continue on with what they were doing. That's progress. And for them, that progress is victory. Now, when he gave the example, I thought he was going to say that the man didn't look at all, or even just said hello or something a la spiritual and not sensual. That was where I thought he was going, but no, he stopped way before that. And it made me think. There are many steps on the road of our journey and each step matters.
Each step in progression is indeed victory! That is progress. It's not necessarily that you have to make it to a landmark to record victory. Instead, it's that you took the steps leading in the right direction! Ah, that's good! So, now, when I am working towards a goal, I will remember to count (and treasure) the steps in between as victories on my way to achieve my ultimate goal. The steps matter.
What do you do when the past forces itself into the present?
I had a recent chase of past "ghosts" reappearing. And, I have to tell you, my reaction stunned me a little. Without getting into the back story, let's just say that I never, ever, expected to see, hear from, or communicate with said "ghost". And I mean never, ever.
As a result, I've had to do some tusseling with myself. Yes, me and myself! I've had to deal with some issues that I thought I dealt with in the past. That's always so disappointing to realize that you haven't sealed up everything in the manner in which you previously thought. But, praise God, I got another crack at it. This time, I'm at a different phase of life and can see the "ghost" and related situations with a completely different perspective. So, now, I just have to make my flesh see what my mind and heart already see. My flesh, which would have quite a few sharp words to say to this "ghost" will simply have to submit to the will of God. My flesh will have to be gracious and kind - loving even, to said "ghost". My flesh is not going to get the victory because my flesh will exemplify a godly response. No tantrums allowed. My heart and mind are set to demonstrate Christ and my flesh is going.to.comply. Period.
No, I didn't expect the reappearance, but I can praise God for it. It has shown me where I had an area of lack that needed a little more prayer. It has shown me when I needed to revisit some old wounds that have those tell-tell scabs and let the healing power of God come right in and work. And when God completes this work, I will no longer bear any evidence of the original wound. No scabs y'all. I can dig it.
So, even in the midst of the surprise and resultant tusseling, I am better off having come smack dab face-to-face with this "ghost." I have to say, what the "ghost" may have meant for my bad, God turned it around for my good and now, I'm scab free! Healed. Whole. So, that's how I've dealt with this blast from the past. And, I hope that it will, in some small way, encourage you in the event that your past tries to sneak into your present.
See you next week!