In reading a devotional, this question haunts my thoughts. Profound. Change.
It would seem that this change is more like a shifting - once undertaken, the old way - the way in which you changed from - can no longer be accessed. You are now under the direction of a new way of doing things. You have changed - or your circumstances have changed. Everything is different. Which makes it profound.
Perhaps you are standing at the edge of change. Profound. Change. Knowing that the next step will lead to a future that goes beyond what we may imagine. It's different. Heavy. New.
Profound is deep. Not in the least bit shallow. It's intense. So the change that we undertake follows the same merit. Not shallow. Not bland. But deep and intense. Ah...profound change.
Have you had a profound change? Is it staring you in the face? Will you embrace it? One of the most profound changes in my life was receiving salvation. Talk about profound change. The girl that I was then is not the woman that I am now. I'm better for the cause of Christ - a vessel that is now willing to be used for His glory. A profoundly different character from the introverted college kid who focused on the books and worried about her life. What she would be. What she could become. If she was good enough...
I want to encourage you today. Don't shrink away from profound change. Pray about it but don't just shut it down until you've spoken to the Lord. If I would have let my fears shut down profound change, I never would have taken the first step, and then the second and third as I moved closer to the alter to give my life to Christ. I would have missed an opportunity for my soul to be secured. Don't miss your change in whatever area that profound change is calling you to. Be courageous --- for Christ. Any change you make for Him is profound. You may not immediately see it, but it's impact on someone else could be profound.
I hope you'll think about these two words this week....profound....change.
Blessings to YoU!
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