I've got so many random things to fill you in on ... and I've been trying to figure out the best way to do it but I was stuck. So, I just figure, I'll add everything and you can read what you want. Sound good? I thought so too.
This is not in order of importance btw...
So, I've been under the gun ... time has not been my friend ... and with every blink of my eye, I get a new deadline. Ugh. And I'm tired. Exhausted. And, mentally - well, let's not even go there. In the midst of all of this, I've had peace. Sure there were a few times when I lifted my eyes up heavenward and said "umm...A little help please" but God let me know that He already was helping. He was keeping me. I didn't miss any deadline whatsoever. Not one thing slipped. To God be the glory!
I'm facing another week of the same pressure. But I'm confident in God going into this week. I've been hanging out with 1Chronicles 29 where David's prayer is recorded. Awesome Word. Check it out. Don't delay. Seriously. I'm on praise mode...."thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the Kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. I'm just saying, get your Bible and check out 1Chronicles 29.
Oh, I never heard back from the mystery caller but I really believe I know who it was.
I've been praying about a little situation that I'm in and while it looked like I wasn't about to get an answer, today, at Church, I got a little encouragement. I don't know how it's all going to work out but I do thank God. He's so good. I asked God for something. I'll let you know if I get it! ...I'm excited!
I've got an engagement coming up that I've been preparing for too. That's going well and I'm excited to experience how the Lord is showing me new things - good things. God is good. When is the last time that you sat down with the Lord, Bible open, ready for Him to reveal new things to you - even on familiar passages? Do it this week in your quiet time! Ummm...you are having quiet times, right?
And finally, I find myself in a new season. I am navigating it the best I can with the help of the Lord. I decided not to be judgmental about the season. It is what it is and I'm too early in it to really have an opinion anyway. All I know is that I'm still alive and determined to live with my eyes fixed on the right things for God's glory. How is your season going? Anything good/exciting/new?
Oh...one last thing...for real this time. I've been thinking of a design for my family reunion t-shirts this year. By and by I think I've got it! Soooooo excited too. Alright. Enough of the newsflash. Depart knowing this - I appreciate you. Thanks for stopping by the blog and have a blessed week.
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