Watch out for the icky, sneaky stuff

In the midst of my despair, Jesus was right there. 

This past week, I was stricken with some cold and/or flu virus. The doctor was not able to isolate which one - I had symptoms of both. Needless to say, I have spent the better part of five days, out of commission; laying around; semi-conscious. 
It's amazing how something unseen can impact your entire life. This unseen life-draining ooze that infected my body has caused me to miss events that I planned to attend, miss teaching a lesson I'd planned, miss working on projects that have deadlines, missed my weekend activities and has caused me to spend money. I've spent money to get well at the grocery store, pharmacy and doctor's office. All because of this unseen thing. 
Isn't sin like that too? Kinda sneaky - just lurking around. It doesn't really flash “sin” in neon lights but is a bit more subtle. It's not really seen for what it is but it always is in a good-looking disguise so that you'll be tempted. But once you're hooked, the revealed thing isn't so good looking. It's amazing how something that didn't look bad for you because of it's packaging can absolutely be one of the worst things that ever happened to you. This good-looking-but-not-good-for-you thing (or person) can really become a drain on your life. Causing you to miss out on the things that you worked hard for - things that you planned for etc. Sin can cost you. 
Hence,  we really need to be aware of our surroundings. Now, with the cold/flu thing, there are some practical things we can do such as: washing our hands frequently and not touching our hands to our face around our nostrils so that we don't transfer the virus. And also, when you feel sick, staying home so that your sickness doesn't end up costing someone else time, money, plans, energy etc. Remember - do unto others...don't think only about what you have to do but think about what it will cost someone else if your illness makes them sick as well. As for the sin items, we must be even more vigilant. We can know if something is sin by listening to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us; we need to study the Word of God to be informed about what God calls sin and we need to be connected to a church body so that we can be taught about sin. 
Sin is tricky. And, left up to our flesh, we will indulge in it. Then we’ll face the repercussions - being out of commission (out of fellowship with God), laying around (instead of working in the Kingdom) and semi-conscious (not really connected to the reality of our situation). So, take care of yourself in this cold/flu/sin season. And no matter what, always remember to put God and His principles first. 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries