Building a Platform of Belief

Before I begin my official post today, I wanted to let you know about some great things happening with the ministry of Lysa Terkeurst. You know her, president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. I' ve linked to her site in the past and she has featured me for a book review that I wrote on her last book, Becoming More Than Just a Good Bible Study Girl. All positive stuff. Well, I read her latest book, Made to Crave and it's good reading too. It's a quick read and I like that a lot. You should check out the book as well as the website where there are oodles of information available including a treat for your computer at 8 tonight.
Now, on to the post. 
Believing what you say you believe. 
I had the opportunity to talk with some teenagers about the pressures of being Christian in their school environments. They are challenged to assert their beliefs into their constantly changing world while they also struggle with hormones, adrenaline and social status just to name a few things. Think back to the days when all you wanted to do was to be “cool” ... or just plain be accepted in a group ... to belong. Now, toss into that an abiding faith in Christ in an environment that many times does not reflect Christ at all. It can be a mighty struggle. 
Thus, I tried to encourage these teenagers to build their platform now. Let people know what you will an will not stand for. Let them know your beliefs. It doesn't really seem to be an issue for other religions with blatant outward distinguishing features (like head attire) but for Christianity, there always seems to be some wavering and ability to hid behind this or I'm just a good person. 
I do not want them to do that. No hiding. Don't deny Christ. There are implications for doing so. Instead, I want them to be confident in their relationship with Christ. I want them to say in Whom they have believed without wavering - without second guessing. And, I want them to even be the bright light that shines on the hill for Christ in their classroom and school environment. They need to build their platform of belief now. Why? Because if they get the underpinning now, it will be second nature to them when they hit the workplace and other areas where their paths will take them.
Too many of us - adults - are afraid to say something positive for Christ. Too many of us are timid and afraid that if we speak up for Christ then we will not have the answers to the questions that some people will ask when they are questioning our belief. I say, let them ask. If you know the answer, give it. If you do not know the answer - no big deal. They probably don't know it either. It's a perfect opportunity for the two of you to open the Word of God together and study to find the answer. 
I am no Bible Scholar, but I do know how to read. And every time I make an honest attempt to read and understand the Bible, more of its truth is revealed to me. I believe what I have read. I believe the truths of the Bible. I believe what I say I believe! Jesus is Christ. The Son of the Living God. That is my platform. 
If you have any teenagers roaming around your living quarters, would you encourage them today to believe what they say they stand firm in Christ alone continue to build (or start) their platform? They operate in a challenging social environment and they need the coaching and nurturing to help them stand for Christ.
And even if you do not have children, perhaps you see them from time to time. Would you extend a word of encouragement their way? You never know what difference it will make. 
Blessings to you all and see you next week! 

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries