Inspiration Poem

Inspiration struck. In the span of 15 minutes, I had a poem that convicted, chastised and spoke truth to the heart of man.

And now, I'm torn as to what to do with it. 

Do I tuck it into my journal for safe-keeping? 
Do I mention it to someone that could take it to the airways? 
Do I take it to church for waiting ears to hear? 

What shall I do? I have already read it to my grandparents and three aunts. But there is something about this poem that makes me feel like it is destined to go further. It needs to be shared broader. 

So, share I will. 

I just need to hear from the Lord how to share it. If He permits, then I'll share it here. But I want to be careful that I'm in His will and doing what He says - amazingly enough.

I've been slack lately with much - including my health. But, I need to be obedient in this, especially.

So, it is my prayer that I will hear from the Lord and do exactly what He says.

Copyright Beams of Light Ministries